Well today was the big day...... Mike and Juliet aired a segment on diet scams and Kimkins was the hot topic. They went into about how the site had fake before/after pics and how the founder of the diet was obese. Singing Lass and TT were there to "defend" Heidi and the diet. One of the best parts is when TT was confronted by the Dietician. That Dietician just let her have it!!! NUTRITIONALIST????!!! Christin and Deni did a wonderful job. We are all so proud of them.
But now I would like to share with you somemore random BS from inside the Kimpound:
Dear Kimkins Members,
OK, so it's time to come clean. In view of recent events and the feedback I've received from members, I've decided to set a few things straight. Those of you who know me are well aware I'm a private person and prefer to remain that way. However, that doesn't seem to be in the cards. So, let's put a few burning questions to rest:
Q: Who is Kimmer?
A: Heidi Diaz
Q: Why the drama, denial and hiding?
A: For the past 10 years it was to avoid an invasion of my own privacy. However, for the past 3 years it was to protect the identity of my foster children. California foster regulations prohibit foster parents from making statements that would identify children as "foster", even by association. Identifying myself which could lead to my home address or identifying me in public could identify them.
Q: Did you lose 198 pounds in 11 months?
A: No. But I did lose 100 pounds in 6 months. However, since Kimkins appeared on the Woman's World cover, I've been glued to my computer. I'm no different than any of you and I'm well familiar with stress eating or grabbing what's handy instead of what's Kimkins friendly.
Q: So you've regained the weight?
A: Yes, but I've been back on Kimkins for 2 weeks and have lost 23 pounds so far. I gain fast and I lose fast, that's how it's always been. I'll be experimenting and rotating with each option except Cycling because that will be too much temptation for me. I'm a lifelong dieter and I know what a free week (or weekend) will do to my willpower.
Q: What about the model photos in some of the Success Stories?
A: The majority of our earliest Success Stories were from another website and we couldn't take those with us. We wanted to show visitors the possibilities with Kimkins. So, while we built up our newest batch, I created stories which were a compilation of previous successes that people had shared with me over the past 10 years. We're extremely proud of all of our members (paid and unpaid) who have experienced weight loss success.
Q: You have been photographed without hair. Did Kimkins do that?
A: Absolutely not. I developed alopecia universalis 23 years ago. It is an autoimmune disease that causes total body hair loss. Our family has cluster autoimmune conditions. Mine are alopecia, hypothyroidism and eczema. Other family members also include alopecia plus type 1 diabetes type 1, multiple sclerosis, lupus, eczema and rheumatoid arthritis. Autoimmune is when your body attacks itself and destroys certain functions. Most people with an autoimmune condition develop more than one. If one person in a family develops an autoimmune condition, other family members tend to develop them.
Q: What about the people who joined Kimkins because you said you lost 198 pounds in 11 months or because of the success story re-enactments?
A: I offer my sincere apology to anyone who felt misled or joined purely on that basis. That was never our intent. Kimkins will provide a refund and membership cancellation upon request to anyone who joined Kimkins prior to November 1, 2007. Please write support@kimkins.con This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it by November 16, 2007 and provide your full name, current or former user name, PayPal transaction number and PayPal email address.
Q: What about the people who want to continue with Kimkins?
A: A lifetime membership is lifetime. You're here and that's permanent! In fact, I'm going to be part of the "Watch Us Lose" models on the homepage and will update my stats each week, add updated photos and post in the Kimmer's Back on Track Challenge. I will lose my weight all over again and everyone is welcome to lose right alongside me. I had baseline medical tests done a few weeks ago and will share both my starting and final results once I reach goal which I hope to be around my birthday in May 2008.
Q: Will we ever meet "Kimmer"?
A: I'm going to do my best. I truly am a shy person who prefers to stay in the background, but a Kimkins Cruise is planned for Summer 2008 and I'll be there to meet & greet everyone! We will be asking members for feedback on local meet-ups as well so everyone has a chance to meet me and network with other Kimkinites! Support is everything in successful long term weight loss.
Q: Anything else?
A: Kimkins works. I have offered my internet style of Kimkins diet advice for 10 years. It was hugely successful which is why Kimkins became popular. My first 8 years were 100% voluntary and I even turned down gifts. My goal has always been for people to learn the very simple and very effective basics of quick weight loss. This remains our focus today. Anyone who wants a refund and cancellation, please let us know. Everyone who wants to stick with Kimkins -- well, what are you waiting for? Let's do it! I've got, uh ... a couple of pounds to lose myself and I could use some support!
Q: What about starting a Kimmer Challenge?
A: Excellent! Let's do it! I'm setting up the Kimmer's Back on Track Challenge thread, so come on over and say "Hi!"
From Kimmer.....
Hey Everyone!
Well, hello everyone! Long time no see! As most of you know I took a break to work on other Kimkins projects, but now I'm back to posting.First things first. As most of you also probably know a lawsuit has been filed against Kimkins and me. I've been asked to not comment about the litigation, but I promise I'll post as many details as I'm allowed once everything is settled. Second things second. Did I regain weight? Yes. Happens to the best of us and it's happened to me a few times. I've lost 100+ pounds several times. No diet works if you don't stay on it. I'm no different than anyone else I lose fast and I gain fast -- just the luck of the draw for me. There will be a more indepth explanation on the front page this morning.Meanwhile, I'm back on track! I've been back on Kimkins 2.5 weeks and have lost 23 pounds. I'll be appearing on the front page with 3 other brave souls and you can track our weight loss in real time! You all know SingingLass who has already lost 100+ pounds with Kimkins, plus our husband & wife team of Brian & Heather!I'll be posting in my Personal Journal and on the forums, plus I'll be updating my weight each week. We'll be updating photos periodically.By all means see Jeannie & Singing Lass on the Mike & Juliet show. It would seem that sides were already picked and swords drawn. Now we know how Dr. Atkins must have felt! I'm very proud of Jeannie & Del and I think they did a wonderful job!
Re:Kimmer's Back on Track Challenge!
OK, now for the the Challenge. Here's my thoughts:1) Anyone who's mad at me for regaining, I challenge you to join and lose just to spite me.2) Anyone who understand lapses, stress and regaining, I challenge you to join and lose to support me. Either way, we're all going to be winners and thinners. Hey, a rhyme! I think it would be great if everyone personalized their challenge and how they want to do it.Here's mine:I've got 100+ pounds to lose (for like the 5th time) plus I got my _base_line blood work done a few weeks ago I found out I have type 2 diabetes! Me!!! Now this brings everything into a new light. I'd had been watching diabetes TV shows in general ... now I'm studying them and doing my own research.One thing I know is this is very serious and I can't screw around.Also, my birthday is May 10th and I will be 50 years old. It's my goal to reach goal by that date. What is my goal weight? I'll know it when I see it, but in the 130-150'ish range probably. I'm big boned and that will be good for me.My stats are on the front page for the world to see. I'll be updating stats there once a week and photos "whenever". It takes quite a bit of weight loss for me to "look" different.OK, who's with me?
This woman is so full of lies that they pour out like water from her lips. I can not believe even after this, there are still people who support her!!!!!!!! I hope that after all of this there is a large number of people from her site that leave. I know how hard it is to find a new home online, but trust me, I left and I have found many wonderful sites. For anyone with questions about this entire issue with Ms Diaz, please take the time to go to LCF and check out their fascination with Kimmer threads. The women there are sure to open your eyes and support you if you need it.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Kimkins exposed on KTLA

Transcript (from LCF):
Leila And now a KTLA exclusive for you. The founder of a popular internet diet is facing tough questions. Is she actually who she says she is?
Emmet Chip Yost has been investigating this intriguing case joins us now with more, Chip.
Leila and Emmet, the kimkins diet has taken off on the internet. It’s based on a mixture of a couple of diets, most notably the Atkins diet. Its success can largely be traced to the amazing claims of the diet’s founder. A woman known as “the Kimmer”. But what we and others found, is that "the Kimmer’s" claims may not be all they’re cracked up to be.
Chip:“Ma’am can you look at this picture I’m showing you.” [kimmer in the car]
Why is this woman in such a hurry to get away from us? The answer starts at this website, kimkins.com. It’s a website that says if you buy a lifetime membership for $59.95 and follow the kimkins diet, you can lose more than 2 pounds a week, with no exercise. The diet is named after the website’s founder. A woman known as "the Kimmer". This was supposedly "the Kimmer" before the diet. This is what she says she looked like 11 months later. After dramatically losing 198lbs on her diet. [images of the website and her blue flowery before shot, and red dress shot ]
Heidi (HBGal) And I was really happy for her, cause I felt like I kinda knew her. Umm, So I went over and I joined. [Heidi (HBGirl) interviewed ]
Heidi [HBGirl] who lives in southern California was sold. She signed up, and thousands of others did too. [Heidi(HBGirl) walking outside] Especially after many of them saw the diet featured in a woman’s world magazine cover story. Inside the magazine, Kimmer’s story was told again. Alongside the story of another woman who lost weight on the kimkins diet. But unlike the other dieter, who posed for pictures, Kimmer wasn’t interviewed in person. In fact, it seemed no one in the dieting world had ever really seen her in person. [shots of the ww article] Even heidi [HB girl] tried to meet up with her when she found out they lived only a few miles apart.
Heidi (HBGal) “She always had an excuse, something with her kids, or she was doing something or another.” [Heidi (HB Girl) at computer]
Suspicions began floating. Is kimmer really that lady in the red dress? [red dress] A former business partner of Kimmer who also had never met her in person, decided to hire private investigator Bob Charlton of Alliance Investigative Services to find out who Kimmer really was. [images from surveillance of green van]
Charlton knew Kimmer’s real name was Heidi Diaz and that she lived in Corona. But when he finally found her, he was in for a shock. He realised she wasn’t that thin woman in the red dress. Charlton’s investigation found that Heidi “Kimmer” Diaz was really this woman. [images from surveillance of Kimmer at petrol pump, and at store]
Chip: “And is Heidi Diaz as far as you know the Kimmer?”
Charlton: “Yes, from kimkins.com” [charlton being interviewed]
Charlton’s pictures were posted on the internet. [images of slamboard] Kimkins members were in a huff, they thought they had been taken. The Better Business Bureau offered to meet with kimmer to settle the dispute. But they too were turned down
BBB “Because she claims that she’s ahh you know, a bit shy” [BBB guy being interviewed]
Finally we decided to go to Heidi Diaz or Kimmer’s apartment ourselves to see if she would clear things up [garage underneath kimmer's apartment trying to interview Heidi]
Chip: “are you actually the person that’s been claiming to be kimmer on the kimkins.com website.”
Heidykins “No comment”
Chip: “Ma’am have you been lying to people about who you are. Ma’am, we just want to clear some things up. Are you actually Kimmer? Have you been telling people this picture is you? Can you look through the window Ma’am. Ma’am can you look at this picture I’m showing you? [Heidi gets back in car and drive's off to avoid reporter]
She didn’t answer our questions, but Heidi Diaz may soon have to answer questions before a court. Tomorrow night we’ll tell you why a class action lawsuit is about to be filed against her, and why some members claim her diet is causing them all kinds of health problems.
And one other note I should mention Emmet and Leila the picture of the lady in the red dress was taken off the website over the weekend.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Last night I sat down and took some time ( alot of time) o read more links about the dangers of Kimkins. Oh how I wish that I had seen all of this a long time ago. If all of this information would have been public knowelege when I was first at Kimkins, I would have never joined. There is still somuch for me to still read and try to piece the puzzle together for myself. I am so glad to see that so many other people are posting their personal stories. I believe that one of the most important steps in healing is talking about the problem. It seems to lift a great deal off your shoulders when you can share you thoughts and feelings. It is also an amazing feeling when you read other posts from similar situations and realize you are not alone. I am not saying it is a good feeling to know other people were damage. What I do mean is that it is good to know that you are not alone and you can reach out to others that are sharing your experiances and you can form a new web of support for each other. With this, there is also a slight negitive side also. You tend to get the nay sayers and people who will do anything to run you and your situation into the ground with snide catty remarks.
The people that are still out there defending this diet and the insane woman behind it are just as evil and heartless as Kimmer. I ask you this:
The people that are still out there defending this diet and the insane woman behind it are just as evil and heartless as Kimmer. I ask you this:
- How can you live with yourself when you know that the woman behind the plan is a fraud?
- When you see the red dress picture, do you wonder who it really is?
- The paycheck you recieve from Kimkins, is it really enough money in exchange for your soul?
- How can you sleep at night when you know you are putting at risk the health of so many Women, mothers, daughters and "friends"
- How much more proof do you need to make you open your eyes to the fact that Kimmer is an insane, obese money scamming liar?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I'm shocked to see that my blog has some outside attention. It was something I started to work on and just ran out of time and figured it was no big deal because it wasn't like anyone was reading it. My how that has changed. I will continue to work on my blog, but forgive me if I do not update everyday. Some days, life has a way of taking up time in the real world . I want to thank everyone for their heart felt comments. But one comment was beyond me. I would never go onto someones blog if I didn't know them and post such harsh rude words. I was going to delete it, but I figured it was best to leave the comment. To the person that posted it... I hope it makes you feel proud and bigger than life when you try to belittle someone and their experiences. You don't know me and the way you have tried to judge me just shows how insecure you really are. It saddens me to know that someone who tries to spew hate and lies is really hurting on the inside. I would guess that the hurting you are having is your battle in your mind about the real truths of the whole Kimkins mess and the truths that you created and want so badly to believe. My hope for you is that one day you will let go of your false truths, find real answers and then begin the healing inside that you are in need of. I will not sink to a level that you seem to be sinking in. I will not criticize you or demean you. In my heart I hope that one day you find the inner peace and love that you will need to continue on with a happy life.
Monday, September 17, 2007
After a lot of soul searching and reading many things online, I think for a while one of my main topics here is going to have to be the Kimkins diet and web site. maybe I should start at the beginning.
I started to read about the Kimkins diet on LCF because it had all the info for free, but then I found Kimkin's web site. For a small price (or so it seemed) I could join their forum and have access to personal replies from "Kimmer" the fouder and woman who created the diet. She said that she had lost almost 200 pounds in something like less than a year and has managed to keep it off going on 6 years. Sounded wonderful and just what I needed. I paid my fee and joined. There were great friends made there, great admins ect. But I must say it bothered me when I read a lot of the advice given. I started following th plan and when I asked a question, most of the time it was someone ether than kimmer answering. Fine I could live with that. These people seemed to know what they were doing. I took everything at face value and yes I did drop pounds and at a rapid speed. But I was having side effects. If I were to ask about them, I was told This is normal... you are loosing so well, don't worry about the small things, everything will correct itself and you will be so much healthier skinny then when you were obese. I played this diet game for a little over 5 months and I have to say yes I lost a lot of weight, but I was not feeling at all healthy, fit or attractive. I had no energy, my hair was falling out and my Husband pretty much had to force me to eat and then I would feel the guilt after I ate. Looking back I now see that I was (and still am) dealing with an eating disorder I developed while doing Kimkins. The last starw was when I passed out at my child's soccer game and my Husband had to call 911. I spent 4 days in the hospital because I was dehydrated, my heart had an abnormal beat and I was made to meet with a nutritonalist counsler before they would release me. I was told that the way of eating that I was following would damage my heart, gall bladder, kidneys, brain function and hormonal levels along with a list of many other possible side effects if I kept it up. This was the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak. I was following this WOE to become helthy, to have more energy so I could chase my kids around and play with them, to feel more attractive and to improve myself.
But in the truth, I seen that I was damaging myself and those around me. Sure I lost over 70 pounds. but at what cost? I could hardly get out of bed some days. I was moody all the time. I couldn't give my Husband and children the attention they needed. Now 3 months later, I am still going to my doctor every few weeks and getting blood work done. I have had scans and tests on every part of my body (and it feels like my soul too) I am sure there is some damage done that can't be seen right now and it may show itself in the future. But even with the remains of the damage I had done I still see it when I look in the mirror everyday. Yes my hair is starting to grow back, but to deal with so much hair loss, I felt like a freak and didn't want to be seen by anyone. I lived in hats (and still do most of the time) So much of my life has been taken away by Kimkins, and all I wanted from it was to get my life back.
I started to read about the Kimkins diet on LCF because it had all the info for free, but then I found Kimkin's web site. For a small price (or so it seemed) I could join their forum and have access to personal replies from "Kimmer" the fouder and woman who created the diet. She said that she had lost almost 200 pounds in something like less than a year and has managed to keep it off going on 6 years. Sounded wonderful and just what I needed. I paid my fee and joined. There were great friends made there, great admins ect. But I must say it bothered me when I read a lot of the advice given. I started following th plan and when I asked a question, most of the time it was someone ether than kimmer answering. Fine I could live with that. These people seemed to know what they were doing. I took everything at face value and yes I did drop pounds and at a rapid speed. But I was having side effects. If I were to ask about them, I was told This is normal... you are loosing so well, don't worry about the small things, everything will correct itself and you will be so much healthier skinny then when you were obese. I played this diet game for a little over 5 months and I have to say yes I lost a lot of weight, but I was not feeling at all healthy, fit or attractive. I had no energy, my hair was falling out and my Husband pretty much had to force me to eat and then I would feel the guilt after I ate. Looking back I now see that I was (and still am) dealing with an eating disorder I developed while doing Kimkins. The last starw was when I passed out at my child's soccer game and my Husband had to call 911. I spent 4 days in the hospital because I was dehydrated, my heart had an abnormal beat and I was made to meet with a nutritonalist counsler before they would release me. I was told that the way of eating that I was following would damage my heart, gall bladder, kidneys, brain function and hormonal levels along with a list of many other possible side effects if I kept it up. This was the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak. I was following this WOE to become helthy, to have more energy so I could chase my kids around and play with them, to feel more attractive and to improve myself.
But in the truth, I seen that I was damaging myself and those around me. Sure I lost over 70 pounds. but at what cost? I could hardly get out of bed some days. I was moody all the time. I couldn't give my Husband and children the attention they needed. Now 3 months later, I am still going to my doctor every few weeks and getting blood work done. I have had scans and tests on every part of my body (and it feels like my soul too) I am sure there is some damage done that can't be seen right now and it may show itself in the future. But even with the remains of the damage I had done I still see it when I look in the mirror everyday. Yes my hair is starting to grow back, but to deal with so much hair loss, I felt like a freak and didn't want to be seen by anyone. I lived in hats (and still do most of the time) So much of my life has been taken away by Kimkins, and all I wanted from it was to get my life back.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Let me introduce myself, I am Kendra aka Kenni. This is just my little piece of the web to comment and gather my thoughts, ideas, feelings ect. on what is going on in my world. I am a mother, a sister, a daughter,an aunt, a friend. I am any one of many labels at any given time. Some days I am creative, some days I am moody, some days a plainjane and others the ultimate diva, some days I am a star in my own drama and other days I like to blend into the crowd. I stand up for who I am and I what I believe. I am easy going but not a push over. I stand up for the cause and I tend to observe and learn when I do not know the full understanding of something.
I like a healthy debate and I think there are always many things to learn from most of them. I am an open person and can admit when I am wrong.
Please take the time to get to know me, and I am looking forward to getting to know you.
I like a healthy debate and I think there are always many things to learn from most of them. I am an open person and can admit when I am wrong.
Please take the time to get to know me, and I am looking forward to getting to know you.
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